The smart security camera market is packed with a huge range of products to choose from to keep an eye on your home wherever you are. Our Eufycam 2 Pro Review brings you our verdict on this mid-range outdoor wireless security camera from Anker after 6 months of usage.
The Specification
The Eufycam 2 Pro is packed with specs and has a ton of options for you to customise however the key headlines you need to know are:
Camera Quality
The Eufycam 2 Pro supports up to 2K video, works during the day and night and also supports 2 way audio. It has a 140 degree field of view which means it has good area coverage. I’ve found that the quality of this camera is great regardless of the time of day with it producing crisp, clear video. The audio recordings are fine too but the speaker on the camera isn’t really usable but can make a very loud alarm noise when you need it to.
Battery Life
Eufy claim that the camera has up to 1 year of battery life from a single charge however in using this camera every day for 6 months I found that it actually only lasted for 4 months. This is still really reasonable battery life however the amount of battery life you get is going to depend on how many features you have turned on (e.g. if you want thumbnail notifications) and how busy the area is where you have the camera. Eufy also say that using Apple’s iCloud secure video also lessens battery life. Don’t get us wrong…4 months battery life with reasonable usage is great but boasting a year is a bit optimistic!
Water Resistance
The Eufycam 2 Pro is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is water resistant which means it’ll be fine in all weather conditions.
Eufycam Pro 2 Design
The Eufycam Pro 2 Design looks nice and modern, it’s not too large and the rounded edges, grey and white sides and slim profile make it look great and not too invasive. The rear of the camera is where you find the MicroUSB port for charging which has a protective cover.
It mounts to a wall with an easy to fit mount.
Eufycam Pro 2 Review – Everyday Usage
Once you’ve got your camera charged and installed you simply add it to the Eufy app and you’re done. You can tweak sensitivity, motion settings, video and audio quality and notification settings in the app and from then on when it detects motion you’ll get a notification. Personally, I love the thumbnail notifications as you can decide if you need to do anything or not without opening the app (these notifications even come through on the Apple Watch).
The Eufycam Pro 2 also has a AI mode where it can only notify you if it detects a human…this is great if, like my garden, you have lots of cats and squirrels passing through!
The video quality (regardless of daytime or nighttime) is crisp and clear and would easily allow you to identify someone if you were to need to. You can download this video via the app if you need to and, the camera has an alarm mode if someone tries to remove it when you haven’t switched off the alarmed mode. (another security bonus!).
The Eufy Security app itself is well designed and easy to use. If you have multiple Eufy devices it shows them all and collates your events together. The video is stored on the Homebase and I’ve found that it’s still got video from the day I got it which means the storage is perfectly sufficient for the two Eufy devices I have that send video to the Homebase.
In the app you can also turn on Apple’s iCloud secure video however, whilst this is a nice idea it does disable the option to tweak video and audio quality and doesn’t work alongside the Alexa skill…for that reason I’ve switched it off. (Yes, it has an Alexa skill which can announce notifications and show the video on Show devices)

Should I buy a EufyCam Pro 2?
If you’re thinking about getting a wireless security camera then we think the Eufy range are the best on the market. They offer great quality video without any subscription at all (whereas the Ring and Blink camera subscription fees build up pretty quickly).
The EufyCam Pro 2 is a great looking, reliable camera that produces really good quality and, whilst the battery life isn’t what Eufy claim, actually has good battery life.
If you prefer video reviews you can watch a video review of the camera here. You can read all our reviews here.
You can pick up a Eufy product with our link and save £40 on your order. Click here to shop.